Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

White Roof to Prevent Global Warming

Lately wether become so hot, may be sun is more and more angry to humans in the world. However hot the sun willy nilly we have to face and walk under its light. But have you ever heard that we better to use a white clothes or white jacket when the sun is blazing? There is one theory that said white colour can reflective whereas black colour absorptive the heat. That is the cause, realize or not we avoid to use black if the sun is getting hot and white always be a favorite choosen colour.

This theory it turns out applicable to another things,  one of them is house. If people use white roof for their house, so they will be feel cooler and chilly than before and it because white can reflective. But the most interesting thing is with this theory which maybe not all people think about it, this can be one action to prevent global warming.

Global warming is a proccess increasing temperature of atmosfer, sea, and the earth. Global warming is threat for everyone. Increasing of global temperature is guessed will cause some another changes, like increasing surface of the sea, increasing intensity of extreme wether phenomenon, and change of precipitation. Another effects of global warming are influencing agriculture’s result, glacier lose, and extinct of any kinds of animals.

Something which makes doubt a scientist is about guessing amount of warming up on the future, and how this warming will be varies from one territory to others territory. Until right now still be debate of politic and public about how or what kind of action which should be taken to reduce of warming or adapt to consequences that existing.

Steve Chu who get nobel prize on physics said that to prevent global warming, we can start with painting a roof and road become white. It helps to prevent global warming because white colour can reflective the sun, especially infra red to space so all contents of house is felt become cooler. Beside that white colour also can give a suggest of chilly and cool so it can economize air conditioner and electricity. For people who lives in tropical environment, white colour is very helping to reduce warming.

Nobel prize on physics said that this is new revolution for reducing emission amount  of glasshouse gas around the world. If there is one house which has white roof then the effect is same as clear all the road in the world from vehicle for 11th years.

Global warming is threat for every people in the world, but to know how big the threat is, it not really important right now. One thing we have to think is how much actions which can we do to prevent global warming become serious problem.

Sleep Paralysis

Have you ever when sleeping, suddenly feel can not move your body even you finger whereas you try hard to wake up?  Want to scream but even for small sound is very hard to out? It means you are experiencing sleep paralysis.

Basen on wikipedia, sleep paralysis is a common condition characterized by transient partial or total paralysis of skeletal muscles and areflexia that occurs upon awakening from sleep or less often while falling asleep. Stimuli such as touch or sound may terminate the episode, which usually has a duration of seconds to minutes. This condition may occur in normal subjects or be associated with narcolepsy, cataplexy, and hypnagogic hallucinations. The pathophysiology of this condition is closely related to the normal hypotonia that occur during rapid eye moment sleep. 

Some people told this condition commonly together with hallucinations, like hearing noise voice and feel like seeing sightings or dark shadow which scary. That's why they said this condition is associated with supernatural and mystical. But according to medis, condition when people will going sleep or walking up they feel short of breath, stive, or even difficult to move and scream it called sleep paralysis. Almost of all people have experienced it at least once or twice in their life.

According to Al Cheyne who is a researcher from Waterloo University, Canada, Sleep Paralysis is like hallucination because there is malfunctions when someone in rapid eye movement phase.

Sleeping is divided on three phases, which are half conscious phase, sleep soundly phase, and rapid eye movement phase which someone is dreaming on this phase.

On sleep paralysis phase, someone don’t pass sleep soundlyphase but jump directly from half conscious phase then getting in to rapid eye movement phase. Thats why we feel like conscious and feel hearing some noises or even see scary sightings. The fact is we sleep and closing our eyes, and that case is only a dream.
Sleep paralysis could happen to everyone in the world, don't care it man or woman. Average age when the first time has this experience is between 14 until 17th years old. For your information, sleep paralysis commonly happen to someone who sleep on supine position.

There are some myths about sleep paralysis in some countries. For example in China, this situation is popular with the terms gui ya shen which mean ghost annoyance that suppress someone’s body. Whereas in turki, it called karabasan which be believed as creature that attack someone when sleeping and press their chest while taking their breath.

Believe to myth or medis, the fact is we surely have experience and it realy surprisingly at the first time. One thing we have to do to face this condition is staying relax and be calm, then make a little movement of your body little by little, and think that it just a dream and everything will be alright.


Kefir is milk's product which is the result of fermentation process. This fermentation uses kefir grains which contains Streptococci and Lactobacilli bacteria / Stretococcus sp and Lactobacilli. In Rusia, kefir is a popular drink which be produced and be sold in a big number.

Although in Rusia kefir is so popular, in some country kefir is not really popular, even many people who don’t know about it. Popularity of kefir still lose by youghurt, whereas benefits of kefir is more than youghurt.

Name of kefir is from turkish, its "keif" which mean is good feeling. So, according to some research drink kefir routinely  is good for health, and healthy's body surely makes pleasant feeling.

Kefir contains bacteria lactic acid which has many benefits for health like as probiotic which can press growth of bacteria which cause indigestion. Bacteria lactic acid produce antimicrobe compound such as bacteriocins, peroxide hydrogen, and others antibiotic.

Kefir also contains phosphorus so it help body to rend a carbohydrate, fat, and important protein to growth of cell and energy source,  so kefir can help to rise immunity system of body.

Beside that, kefir has some benefits such as prevent all kinds of allergy and allergy of lactose, prevent growth cancer, tumor, hepatitis, cholesterol, and influenza. Kefir also can prevent growth of intruder body organism, and overcame some itchs on skin.

Kefir grains form of granulated and it can be a bigger when it in the milk. The colour is yellowness of white, and will become brownish when it in the milk. The size is varied, around 1 mm until 15 mm.

Granulated of kefir composed of microorganism which is surrounded by matrix with form of slime composed of polysaccharide sugar which called kefiran. Kefir grains also composed of mix from any bacterias and leavened, and each play a role in forming of taste and structure of kefir.

Kefir grains can still active if it preserved by frozen drainage, but the best way to place kefir grains is by moving old kefir grains into the milk which has pasteurized periodic, then incubation for a night and place it on refrigerator with temperature between 4° C untill 7°C. In this condition, kefir grains is still active until around one month.

To make kafir is quite easy, it even can do at home just with a simple tools. We only need a fresh milk and certainly kefir grains. Fresh milks which has been prepared bring to the boil on temperature between 85°C until 90°C, then input it into a glass and save until reach to room temperature. After that enter kefir grains into milk and save. This procces need around a day. And this is it, fermentation process is produced by kefir grains.

From this process, milk will forms become hank. This hank then be filtered and it will separate by itself between kefir grains with drink that ready to drink. As sweetener, it can be added sugar or honey. If it will not drunk directly, kefir can be placed in refrigerator for one until three days.

Mix of acid, soda, and a little bit alcohol makes kefir taste become so unique, and it will be more delicious when drink it in cool or frozen.

For people who has a problem with their digestion or has lactose intolerance, kefir can be an alternative to solve this problem, because mostly of lactose on the milk has been separated by bacteria lactic acid so it will be easier to digest. Kefir also good to drink by child, pregnant and lactating mothers, and people elderly.

There are some stories that told origin of kefir grains, but until now scientifically unknowable for sure how kefir grains was found. However it be, the fact is this drink is so adored and Kefir become so worth because of nutrition and its benefits for humans health. That’s why kefir is called as the champagne of cultured milk.