Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Online Real Job

There is one period that we feel  saturated with ourselves routinity or we already stuck because there is no company want to accept us to be their employee, whereas we feel good enough to get a good job there. Sometimes there is also the subconscious mind to try online bussiness that promise you will get much money instantly. You will get a millions dollars a week or you will get a thousands dollar just for an hour. You can take this way or you still want to try another better way.

There is one solution if you want to get money by online. Work and get your money with proud. Yes, this is real work and you paid for it.
This job so different with work generally because it is freelance and you can do this job at your home. You can increase your money while improve your skills. There are many kinds of online jobs, you can choose what jobs that you really want and you really expert for doing that job. Look so simple but really challenging, because to be accepted there not as easy as we think. They are really selective to choose their contractor, a little difficult to get the first job but after you got it, that would be easy to get another jobs.

Remember that you only would be accepted if you are really qualified and they will decline you if they think you are not qualified enough for doing their project. So you have to really learn your job that you want to apply and don't forget to improve your skills.

For you that really like something challenging this work is match with you. Beside that there is many kinds of test that you have to take it. Your test result can make you considered by an employer, so take the test as many as you can.

You will see an employer from any country that means you will work on project from different country. It's like your job become go international. So interesting, right?

Join in oDesk right now and see oDesk Changing how the world works

Another Assignment

Ini juga masih tugas kuliah saya dulu, buat mata kuliah kreativitas dalam iklan.
Waktu itu kalo ga salah memang ditekankan sama desainnya dan harus ada gambar bumi itu tuh, jadi idenya harus sesuai sama konsep bumi tersebut.
Entah ide apa yang saya punya waktu itu, keliata maksa banget, hehehehe
Pokoknya saya berusaha nutupin desain amatiran itu sama kalimat semacam puisi disampingnya denga harapan iklan itu terlihat lumayan. :p
Tapi keliatannya masih terlalu aneh buat jadi ILM, ada sesuatu yang kurang.
Saya cari dulu deh.. :p

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Ini cuma tugas kuliah, bukan iklan asli speedy.
Iklan ini dikerjakan secara kelompok dengan 3 orang yang lain.
Iklan ini adalah iklan yang disiapkan untuk dipasang dalam media koran.